Journey to Headstand

February 10, 2019
2:00PM – 3:30PM

Headstand is known as the king of yoga postures—with good reason. The many benefits of headstand are unmatched by any other single yoga pose. Headstand builds physical strength in the core and upper body, provides quiet and stillness for the mind, and affords a sense of groundedness, stability, and joy to the spirit. But to get there, first, we must overcome the common obstacles of fear and doubt and negative thinking.

If you’ve wanted to achieve a headstand but feel afraid or inadequate, this 90-minute judgment-free, expectation-free, a step-by-step workshop is meant for you. You don’t need to jump into the deep end of headstand to get there.  There are small, measured steps to take that will help you break through your personal barriers, without breaking YOU, and Deb has been helping people learn those steps, with patience and gentle encouragement, for nine years. Now it’s your turn!

If you have questions or concerns, email Deb at [email protected]. Enrollment is limited, so please sign up early!  You can sign up by calling Om Sweet Om at (516) 944-YOGA or by clicking this link